Early Postpartum Food Drop
This nourishing postpartum food drop is specifically for mothers in the 4th trimester.
Where tending to the mothers health and well being is essential. The food and remedies in this drop are to physically and energetically support mothers post birth.
With the importance of warming, soft, easy to digest, nutrient rich foods and herbs.
Created with intention, to support mothers and families during early stages of postpartum.
Bright & Surrounds
Each Nourishing Package contains ~ along the lines:
~ 1 x Meal
~ 1x Vegetable Tart / Pie / Cake
~ Batch of jared healing Bone Broth
~ 1x Dessert
~ 1x Postpartum healing herbal yoni bath sitz
*The package will change and look different for each mumma supported tailored to her specific needs.
*Sizes and volumes are not specific
*Additional charges may apply for deliveries outside 30kms